How Does A Home Loan Eligibility Calculator Help?

All of us know how important the selection of a home loan is for purchasing the property of our dreams. Whether we want a villa, a studio apartment or a condo, all of it is simply decided by how much we can afford. How much we can borrow from a housing finance company greatly decides the kind of home we buy. To ensure that we don’t compromise on our purchase, our lifestyle or our hard earned savings, finding the right home loan is a must. And that’s possible these days thanks to a home loan legibility calculator . There are a lot of ways in which this facility helps us to choose the best finance. Know what the benefits are and make an accurate and quick decision today.

Budget: Your home loan eligibility calculator helps you to plan your entire budget with just a few clicks. You can know how much you’re going to pay in the following years and how much you can borrow now, thus in turn finding out how much you can afford for your home purchase. Quick and easy calculations mean that you don’t have to sit down with a pen and paper, pulling your hair out and wondering where your numbers went wrong. Make sure that you know exactly how much you can opt for and hence how your loan is going to play out in the years to come.

Easy Access: Since most home loan eligibility calculators are available online, you can get all this information without even having to leave your doorstep. Just log on to the website of the bank/financial institution of your choice and use the home loan eligibility calculator facility provided by them. Most reputed housing finance companies now offer this service to their customers to make their lives easier. However, it’s imperative that you use the calculator present on the website of the bank/institution that you’re finally going to opt for. Every company has different criteria for calculations and it’s much more accurate when you use the facility from their respective websites.

Quicker Decisions: Instead of spending days trying to figure out which kind of loan to opt for, you can now do it in a few minutes. From how long your loan should be to how much interest you’re willing to pay, you can decide it all with a home loan eligibility calculator. Avoid lengthy routes and complicated methods, and just use this tool to get all your queries answered.

A home loan eligibility calculator exists to make our decision making process simpler. Use this facility provided by most banks/housing finance companies today to ensure that you have made the right choice.

Molecular Cell: DNA hypomethylating agents increase activation and cytolytic activity of CD8+ T cell

In a new study, researchers from the Princess Margaret Cancer Center of the Canadian University Medical Network and the University of Toronto improved anti-tumor responses by carrying out a series of elegant experiments to construct “super soldiers” with specific leukocytes. Specifically, they describe an epigenetic therapy that modifies DNA and can convert killer T cells into “super soldiers” by enhancing their ability to kill cancer cells. The results were published in Molecular Cell, entitled “DNA hypomethylating agents increase activation and cytolytic activity of CD8 + T cells”. The corresponding author of the paper is Dr. Daniel D. De Carvalho of Princess Margaret Cancer Center. The first author of the paper is Helen Loo Yau, PhD student at Princess Margaret Cancer Center, and Dr. Emma Bell, postdoctoral researcher.

Their findings may enhance immunotherapy, a new model of cancer treatment that is currently effective for a small number of cancer patients. Some patients respond well to immunotherapy with dramatic reduction in tumor size, but others respond only partially or not at all. Clinicians and scientists around the world are trying to understand why immunotherapy is only helpful for some patients.

Dr. De Carvalho said, “Our future goal is to use the strategy to combine with other immunotherapies to enhance anti-tumor immunity. We imagine future clinical trials: we collect T cells from patients and perform epigenetic therapy in the laboratory. This may expand the army that kills cancer cells (i.e., cells that kill cancer cells) and effectively construct a ‘super soldier army’. These cells can then be reinjected into the patient, thereby potentially enhancing their intrinsic immune response to the tumor.”

Dr. De Carvalho’s laboratory first observed that T cell infiltration was increased in tumors from mice treated with epigenetic therapy. When they removed these T cells, this therapy no longer worked, suggesting that these T cells played a promoting role in the success of this therapy.

These researchers, interested in this finding, set out to apply this epigenetic DNA-modifying therapy directly to T cells in the laboratory. They isolated T cells from healthy human donors as well as patients with melanoma, breast, ovarian, and colorectal cancers. Their results demonstrate that this epigenetic therapy enhances the cancer-killing ability of these T cells.

Epigenetics works by adding or removing chemical “tags” to DNA. Like removable convenience stickers, these labels help specify which genes can be turned on or off. Simply put, you can use drugs that alter these epigenetic signatures to change the function of cells.

In essence, these researchers found that an available chemotherapeutic drug removes specific epigenetic signatures that give way to genes in a proportion of key genes of T cells in a closed state. Removing these tags allows these genes to be returned on and act as a “turbo”, making these T cells a more effective cancer-killing machine.

These researchers discovered two specific genes activated by this epigenetic therapy that are responsible for these T cells becoming better at killing cancer cells.

High-dimensional single-cell mass cytometry analysis—a new generation of technology that can dissect single-cell and drug responses—has found that T cells increase the number of granzyme and perforin proteins used to perform killing function. When granzymes and perforin are released, like a fatal special police force, perforin is able to punch holes in the cell membrane and allow granzymes to enter infected cells or cancer cells and complete the task of killing these cells.

Dr. De Carvalho explained, “These T cells become some kind of ‘super soldier’ and carry highly activated molecules, with better weapons, to destroy cancer cells.” The molecular mechanism of how this process occurs is described in detail.

A key innovation in the paper is the use of epigenetic therapy to affect the behavior of genes in T cells. Most studies on epigenetic therapies have focused on their effects on cancer cells. However, the paper focuses on how our immune cells respond, which provides new implications for how we improve the anti-tumor activity of the immune system.

This emerging field of epigenetic therapy aims to influence genetic activity without actually modifying the sequence of DNA, thus making it an exciting therapeutic avenue for cancer research.

Dr. De Carvalho said, “It is not experimentally simple to genetically manipulate immune cells for treatment. Its clinical application is more complex and expensive. Our study lays the foundation for clinical research that combines epigenetics with other immunotherapeutic strategies.”

Artificial intelligence: Valuable tool or dangerous threat?

Artificial intelligence technology has advanced leaps and bounds in a relatively short period of time. What once seemed like science fiction is quickly becoming a reality. The sudden advancement in the technology has reawakened some fears about what artificial intelligence could mean for the future of humankind. Those speaking up about the dangers of artificial intelligence aren’t just conspiracy theory whack-jobs either. Recently, Stephen Hawking, arguably one of the most brilliant minds of the last century and Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, have both voiced concerns about the future of artificial intelligence.

Should we fear artificial intelligence?

According to Hawking, real artificial intelligence could bring about the end of the human race faster than global warming or any other threat to mankind. Hawking theorizes that AI could redesign itself at an exponential rate far beyond what humans have the ability to keep up with. Because computers aren’t limited in the same ways that humans are, they could very quickly surpass humanity.
Elon Musk agrees with Hawking but it quick to point out that true artificial intelligence is still quite a ways away. While there have been many impressive advancements in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years, we are nowhere near being able to create artificial intelligence capable of becoming more intelligent than humans.

Google’s conversational modeling AI

A major obstacle that needs to be overcome to create true artificial intelligence is conversational modeling. While computers have long been able to perform complex calculations far faster than any human, they struggle to perform tasks humans handle with ease such as forming and comprehending spoken language. Most artificial intelligence systems out there can only handle this task as it applies to limited subjects.

Google has been working on an AI system that could change all of that. The difference between Google’s AI and other artificial intelligence systems is that Google has not only added in domain specific data sets but general domain data sets as well. The idea behind this is that Google’s AI can understand a variety of questions on various subjects and give proper responses. In a recent test of the AI’s abilities, she (the artificial intelligence referred to itself as a “she”) was able to carry on a basic conversation including greetings and various pleasantries. She was also able to answer simple questions, including questions about general information such as whether cats have tails or wings. Finally, the AI even handled some questions relating to philosophy such as “What is the purpose of life?”
In summary, perhaps Hawking said it best, while artificial intelligence may be able to pose a threat to humankind within the next 100 years, current AI systems are proving to be very useful tools for humans. To benefit from it without being threatened by it, there will need to be regulations in place so that humans can’t bring about their own destruction.

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Source: tech .co/stephen-hawking-ai-danger-2015-07